Build an election for candidates, or create a survey to poll in minutes. Students are able to submit their vote using their phone, tablet, computer or any device with internet connection. Results are live and in real time. Give students the tools to see their candidates, read their biographies, and elect the best leaders for their school.
Revive your polling participation by making voting easy and available to all students through technology. Use PollingWorks, our secure online voting tool for schools, clubs, and students. No more paper ballots, use technology and speak the youth language of today. Have multiple polls and surveys running at one time.
PollingWorks gives site administrators full access to create their polls and customize the students view. Setup is simple and takes only a few minutes of your time from start to finish. Easy to read results will make candidate or survey winners convenient and available in real time.
Cast your Ballot Today with
Polling Works!
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